Moving & Handling
13 Jun 2016

Please note bookings on the website will be available till 3.6.2016.

 You will need to register your details now for The Hub so you can book online when the Hub is launched on 6.6.2016


(Multi Agency Training)


To attend this course delegates MUST have completed the Moving & Handling Training The Trainer Course with LSCDG, Leicestershire County Council

Aims & Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, participants will:
  • Work within the laws and regulations of Moving and Handling
  • Identify and demonstrate the physical effects of manual handling on the body
  • Use principles of safe handling and instruct others to do so.
  • Identify and correct unsafe client handling practices
  • Use safe hoisting techniques and instruct others to do so
  • Carry out and demonstrate to others the need for safety checks on equipment
  • Carry out, implement and review M&H risk assessments
  • Demonstrate continued competence
  • Have an update on Manual Handling Risk Assessment
It is considered good practice for delegates to attend Moving and Handling Update approximately every 18 months. Course Time: 8.45 arrival for 9.00am prompt start, to 4.00pm Delegates will be expected to attend the training on time and complete the training, otherwise they may be turned away by the trainer and the organisation will be charged. Venue: County Hall, Glenfield Refreshments will be provided.   Lunch will NOT be provided This course is a multi-agency training and will remain fully funded. As long as delegates attend a multi–agency course, no invoice will be raised for an attendance. If delegates fail to attend, the establishment will be invoiced for the non-attendance rate of £100 (if the course is more than a day then this will be £100 per day). Local Authority staff will be required to enter a COST CODE on the booking form, in the event of non-attendance your Department will be invoiced, therefore authorisation from your manager is required for you to attend this training.

Book your place

Book through the Hub

If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub or email

    Enquire about this course

    By signing up to our mailing list you confirm that you have read and understood our Fair Processing Notice which explains how we will use and store your information, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.

    Book your place

    Book through the Hub

    If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub or email