Safeguarding – Making An Alert to the Local Authority Webinar

10 Aug 2020 - 10 Aug 2021


Target Group: Managers, supervisors or senior staff in registered and non-registered settings with a responsibility for reporting Adult Safeguarding concerns and making an ‘Alert’ to the Local Authority

A recorded presentation to use along with resources for each section of the course.

There are 3 sections and you can work through each one at your leisure.




Participants should be able to:

• Identify what action to take when an allegation of abuse is reported
• Identify and minimise risks when an allegation of abuse is reported
• Identify the importance of recording and documenting in relation to safeguarding adults
• Provide support for staff and people who use services who report concerns of abuse, or are alleged to have committed         abuse
• Be clear about what happens following a safeguarding adults Alert to the Local Authority and what your role might be      in relation to a ‘Section 42 enquiry’
• Have knowledge of related legislation
• Work within the principles of information sharing in accordance with the local policy and procedure, relevant legislation and relevant internal guidance

Please complete the evaluation form at the end of the webinar on the HUB, and you have viewed all the resources otherwise your record of learning will show as incomplete.

The trainer will be following up feedback of the webinar and the impact of the training, this will be done by random sampling via a phone call.

Dates and venues available

Pre-recorded webinar access via the hub as required

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If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub or email

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    Book your place

    Book through the Hub

    If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub or email