Staff Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub

February 10, 2021

Leicester Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub – Leaders and Team Managers Virtual Workshop Invitation

 We would like to invite you to get involved in supporting the mental health and wellbeing (MHWB) of all our staff across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland as we continue through the Covid-19 pandemic, winter pressures and beyond.  We would like to hear your thoughts and ideas about how we take forward the newly evolving staff mental health and wellbeing hub support offer.

 Join our workshop on Friday 5 March; 1.00pm – 2.30pm

To register please use the following link:


The aim of the workshop is to help you gain a better understanding of the support available for everyone across our health and social care family. We want to understand how we can work with and engage leaders and managers with our hub offers, to raise awareness rapidly, simplify access and ensure take-up, as needed, by all our 65000+ staff.


This will be an interactive workshop, facilitated by our Hub Team, with opportunity for smaller group discussions. It will be a valuable use of time as it will offer much opportunity to develop our offer, connect with and learn from peers, and share good practice across our system. It will help you to be able to integrate the Hub offer into your local and regional/ national MHWB approaches. 


Background Briefing on our LLR Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub and National Support

When the COVID pandemic made its first real impact in March NHS England and Improvement (NHSE/I) and Skills for Care rapidly developed a comprehensive, national offer to support all our NHS and Social Care staff and complement local support. In addition to this they commissioned a number of pilot sites nationally to develop a mental health and wellbeing hub, our system was identified as one of the pilot sites.


Our LLR MHWB Hub, provides proactive outreach and assessment services, giving staff rapid access to specialist mental health and wellbeing support, for staff who need it.

The emphasis on our commitment to our people’s mental health and wellbeing was underlined in our LLR System People Plan as agreed in September 2020.  The strengthening of the MHWB support to our people is aligned with the commitments set out in our People Plan.  The People Plan itself supports delivery of the national Long-Term Plan by ensuring that we have more people (both new and by retaining our current people), working differently (more productively, using their full range of skills, enabled by technology) and in a more compassionate, inclusive culture.


All of this will be underpinned by a greater focus on supporting leaders and managers and effective communication to ensure all staff are aware of what is available and how to access it easily and quickly.


Workshop Focus

The focus of our workshop will be around how we will collaborate to amplify the offer; how we can design improvements to local access;  how we can best support you to promote what the “offer” is to your workforce at pace. 


Key elements of our Hub offer include:

  • Links to several market-leading apps to improve mental health and wellbeing of our staff (e.g., Headspace, Unmind, Sleepio)
  • Dedicated, confidential staff telephone helpline
  • Structured debrief and support mechanisms
  • Support packages aimed at staff and line managers including links to a range of online resources, guides and training
  • Free coaching, mentoring and support to staff, including a specific offers to health and social care
  • The development of tailored offers for BAME staff and under representative groups, recognising the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on people from diverse backgrounds


Please do share this invitation with all of your leaders and team managers in your organisation and we look forward to working with you on the 5 March 2020. 


For further information in advance of the event, please contact the MHWB team on


Kind regards

MHWB Hub Team

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