Easy Read – Pre-Recorded Webinar
How to make written information easier to understand. These are the things we will be doing in the training
We will be looking at the Easy Write guidelines’. These are pages of information that tell you how to make written information easier to understand.They have things on them like what sort of writing to use –this is called a font. It also has a checklist that you can use to make sure you are doing things right
We will be looking at Three different Picture Banks from CHANGE.These are a set of line drawings that you can use to make your information easier to understand.
We will be using Microsoft PowerPoint. This is something that you can use on your computer to make things like posters and presentations
We show you how to use PowerPoint with Change Picture Bank. You can use other things like Word or Publisher but we only show you how to use it on PowerPoint in this training.
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http://www.lscdg.org/lms-information/ or email lscdg@leics.gov.uk
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If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you. Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub
http://www.lscdg.org/lms-information/ or email lscdg@leics.gov.uk