LLR Integrated Personal Care Programme 2024/25

The Integrated Personalised Care Programme sets out the responsibilities of the NHS, that with the right oversight and training, care modules that can be delivered by social care agencies, whilst remaining the responsibility of the NHS.
This training programme is free of charge and has been designed to promote constructive co-operation between staff of different agencies in the interest of excellent quality care for individuals.
Delivered by healthcare specialists locally, the programme will enable social care workers to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding required to undertake generic healthcare modules confidently and safely in line with Integrated Personalised Care, at no cost to you.
This training programme has been designed for –
1. Social care workers who haven’t previously received training in the core generic delegated healthcare modules
2. Social care workers who have previously received training in the core generic delegated healthcare modules and require an assessment and sign off for the delegated modules.

Training is available for the following generic modules:
 Assisting patients with nutritional requirements and risk of choking
 Managing catheter, conveen, stoma, ileostomy and urostomy care systems
 Tissue viability
 Posture awareness / benefits of good posture
 Use of pressure relieving equipment
 Administration of eye and ear drops
 Applying steroid creams above 1%
 Undertaking Blood Glucose Testing
 Application of compression hosiery

The training will be supported by a series of presentations, practical opportunities, and simulation. Whether delegates are completely new to a role or simply wish to refresh their skills, we hope that they will find this free training programme enjoyable, informative and rewarding.
If you would like to take advantage of this free training programme, please complete the attached booking form, stating the specific areas of training that you would be interested in and email it to us at lpt.FIPC@nhs.net
Further to receiving your booking form we will be in contact with you either by telephone or email to discuss your requirements further, with a view to arranging a potential date for training.

blank booking form 2425 (DOCX, 42 KB)