Nutrition & Hydration
April 22, 2015
The importance of good nutrition and hydration cannot be underestimated. Good nutrition and hydration is essential to people’s general health and wellbeing and this is particularly so for the elderly, frail and vulnerable.
Eating and drinking for good health should be enjoyable and is a simple – but vital part of preventing illnesses which often require complex treatments. Good nutrition and hydration is essential to everybody’s general health and wellbeing.
Dehydration occurs when the body is not getting enough fluids to function properly.
Older adults are at the greatest risk of dehydration – often becoming dehydrated before they know it. Around 30% elderly people over 65 are dehydrated on admission to hospital.
Recognise the Symptoms of Dehydration in yourself and others in time for warmer summer temperatures:-
- Are you always thirsty?
- Are you prone to urinary tract infections or is your urine more highly coloured, smaller in amount or strong smelling?
- Do you suffer from constipation?
- Do you feel tired, fatigued or weak?
- Are you prone to headaches; are your lips, mouth or eyes dry?
- Do you get dizzy or feel confused, lack concentration or get easily distracted?
Links to further advice and resources
- The NACC – Top Tips and hydration posters
- RCN Water Toolkit
- Looking after yourself and others during hot weather (Public Health England)
- Advice for Health & Social Care Professionals: Supporting Vulnerable People before and during a heatwave (Public Health England)
You can download free posters from the resources below.
Drinking enough when you are at home
Getting enough fluids at home – information for patients, relatives and carers