The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism

Please note LSCDG is not responsible for running or providing any of the training.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism aims to provide the social care and health workforce with the right skills and knowledge to provide safe, compassionate, and informed care to autistic people and people with a learning disability.

Research has shown that on average, people with a learning disability and autistic people die earlier than the general public, and do not receive the same quality of care as other people. Evidence suggests that effective training can bring about changes in the way people work and drastically reduce these inequalities. 

The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a requirement that all CQC registered service providers must ensure their staff have training on learning disability and autism that is appropriate to their role. The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the Government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff to undertake.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training has been co-produced, trialled with over 8300 health and care staff and independently evaluated by the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi).

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training comes in two parts. The first part is an e-learning module, and the second part is either an online interactive session (Tier 1) or a face-to-face session (Tier 2).

All of the training includes delivery by people with lived experience of a learning disability or of being autistic.

View this diagram to learn about the two tiers of the training. 

Both parts of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training have been added to Skills for Care’s Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) so that employers can record and report on completion rates.

To access the e-learning see below links

Useful links

Tier 2 Training 

Please note before you access Tier 2 –  training you must have completed the 

OMMT e-learning

Following completion of Part 1 (e-Learning), this training session is for Part 2 (Tier 2 – the 1 day face to face training session).

Organised by Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Training Hub

Just click the booking links and complete  details to register for a place.

Jan 30th

Knighton Street Offices, Jarvis Building, Leicester Royal Infirmary


Jan 31st

Leicester Town Hall


4th Feb

Knighton Street Offices, Jarvis Building, Leicester Royal Infirmary


5th Feb

Knighton Street Offices, Jarvis Building, Leicester Royal Infirmary

Local Implementation of the OMMT Programme is being led by the Integrated Care Board.  

If you want to be added to a mail list of the all latest training sessions please email